
Prayer Wall

How can we pray for you? Share your prayer request (and read and pray for other requests) below.

All prayer requests are automatically removed after 90 days. Please keep us up to date on your needs.
We will not make anonymous or repeated prayer requests public.

Please Only Enter One First Name in the field below

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Prayed for 2 times

Please keep Debbie Lawrence’s neighbor, Mario, in prayer to receive some positive positive news. He is going in for an important test today.



Prayed for 4 times

Please see this prayer request from Cynthia Raupp: Dear NCC family…I’m asking for prayer for my nephew Michael. He’s my sisters oldest son. He is seriously ill with bilateral pneumonia in ICU. Too much to post, but God knows. Thank you!



Prayed for 3 times

Please see this prayer request from Joanie Pignataro: Asking for prayers for my first born...she is in remission from breast cancer X 1year but presently battling polymyalgia rheumatica...PMR.....and now an additional Dx with fibromyalgia...everyday is a struggle for her to work but she has to....please say prayers for my girl....thank you my NCC family❤️



Prayed for 4 times

Please pray for my upcoming test on my heart to see if there are any blockages because of my parents' medical history.



Prayed for 3 times

From Nancy Contegni: Many of you remember the Ruvio family, who were very active members of NCC about 20 years ago. Last night, Maureen passed away. Please keep Bob, and their kids Jessica and Robert in your prayers during this difficult time. Their daughter Amanda passed away unexpectedly a few years ago, and the family has gone through so much.



Prayed for 3 times

Please pray for my cousin Diana, Her cancer has come back and metastasized through the lymph nodes. Pray for her strength and guidance through all this.



Prayed for 3 times

update on Casandra's Mom Angela. She was released from Good Sam's on Thursday and had another seizure Friday. She's at a different hospital now. Please help pray that the doctors can listen to God's voice to pinpoint the problem and stop the seizures. Thank you, prayer warriors!! 7/9/24 Casandra’s mom, Angela had a seizure and was in ICU on Sunday. Thank you for praying. Thank you Jesus for your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven, for her, and thank you for giving the doctors wisdom. In your name , Amen, amen



Prayed for 2 times

Update on Barbara-Ann: I received this message from her: "Going home now. Thank you! All test came back normal. On seizures precaution and have a new medication I'll be home tomorrow. 7/9/24 Please keep Barbara-Ann in your prayers as she suffered what they believe to be a seizure while at work today. They are performing tests. She is awaiting an MRI as of this posting. John is with her. Please pray for peace for all, wisdom and discernment for those caring for her, and complete healing. Thank you. Thank you all for your prayers. Please pray for no future recurrences.



Prayed for 4 times

I just received word that Marianne Dinapoli is in the hospital in Urgent Care. I wasn't told which hospital. She was told she has several viruses. She is requesting Prayer. Please pray for her healing and for peace for her. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for those treating her. Thank you so much!



Prayed for 2 times

NCC is forming a new ministry for the purpose of helping those of our members who are house bound and need transportation to various appointments, to shopping trips, or to church. We are currently seeking people who would be willing to provide that transportation on an occasional basis. The more volunteers we have, the better we can serve those in need, because we can spread out the transportation requests among those volunteers. This is another way we can serve the Lord, by taking care of each other. Please pray for the success of this ministry. If you are able to help, we would be so blessed to have your support! You can contact Dorothy Diehl at church, or you can email or call her. Her contact information is in the church Directory. God bless you all for your kind consideration and willingness to serve.



Prayed for 8 times

Please keep Steve Pollack in prayer as he is back in the hospital, this time with multi-focal pneumonia, which is more serious. He's expected to be hospitalized for an extended period of time. Please pray for peace for him and for wisdom and discernment for those treating him. Thank you.



Prayed for 7 times

Please pray for Edgar Ramirez, Ingrid Opitz’s brother. He fell from a roof and has serious injuries and is in the hospital.



Prayed for 14 times

Please pray for comfort, strength, and healing for Emily Messina. She fell in her home and fractured a vertebrae in her neck. She was experiencing severe pain and is currently admitted to Stony rook Hospital. She is likely to be there for a few days.



Prayed for 6 times

Please see the following praise and prayer request from Lisa Kennaugh: We thank you all so so much for your continued prayers for little Oliver over these past 14 months. Please keep them coming for remission and a cure. Oliver will start a trial tomorrow at Cohens children’s hospital. We serve an amazing God who has and continues to watch over this little one. Continued prayers also for Finley as he is scared for his little brother and for my daughter Christine and Scott. May they grow closer to God through this time and feel Gods healing hand and presence. Thank so much Church family your love and endless support are amazing ❤️



Prayed for 4 times

Please pray for Soundview as they are in litigation with the state of New York regarding pro-life choices that they are offering to women who come through their doors. They asked the following: "I'd like to personally ask you to join us in prayer as we move forward and fight for what is right! As we continue to pray over this process and wait for further direction, the Lord has impressed on our team to meditate on Psalm 5 and has so clearly reminded us that He is a Strength and our Shield! Your support is paving the way for innocent children to be saved from abortion and I am so grateful for you! Thank you for standing with us!"



Prayed for 4 times

Please pray for Amanda Mcmann as she recovers from a torn Achilles.



Prayed for 7 times

Please keep Betty Braunreuther in your prayers as she is under a doctor's care for heart issues. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for the doctors so they can find and treat the source of her heart issues. Please pray for peace for Betty and Joe. Thank you!


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